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Event HPE | AI Grand Prix 2025 with Sascha Lobo



25 March 2025.

1:30 to 7:00 pm

@Sauber Motorsport AG, Hinwil


Secure your place now


Keynote by Sascha Lobo: How digitalization and AI are changing the world.the documents are in the old layout

The breakthrough of artificial intelligence has been announced for a very long time. But now, with ChatGPT and GPT-4, the social and economic impact that even experts are not always aware of is becoming apparent. This presentation places AI in the context of digitalization, explains the principles and industry dynamics of digital corporations and illustrates how artificial intelligence is both underestimated and overestimated. And yet it is changing the world.

Presentation by Sauber Motorsport: AI in racing.

Discover how Sauber Motorsport uses AI solutions in high-performance racing to gain the competitive edge. Learn how data-driven technologies optimise the performance of race cars and teams.


Extensive experience.

We have successfully supported numerous companies during migration.

Extensive experience.

We have successfully supported numerous companies during migration.

Extensive experience.

We have successfully supported numerous companies during migration.

Extensive experience.

We have successfully supported numerous companies during migration.



360° Swiss Cube M
360° Swiss Cube L
Recommandé pour:
jusqu'à 120 employés 

 à partir de 120 employés et plus

Nombre de nodes

3 à 5 Intel Xeon Gold

3 à 10 avec chacune 2 Intel Xeon Gold

Nombre de coeurs

60 à 100

120 à 400


384 Go à 5120 Go

768 Go à 20 480 Go


7,2 To à 156 To

7,2 To à 312 To

Niveaux RAID 

1 ou 5

1 | 5 ou 6

Connexion Internet 

2x 1 Gbps, partagée

2x 1 Gbps, partagée

Adresses IP

3 IPv4, /56 IPv6

28 IPv4, /56 IPv6




Espace Rack

total 20 HE

total 48 HE
Consommation d'énergie

2’000 W ou 1’460 kWh/mois

3’000 W ou 2’100 kWh/mois

Prix par mois

à partir de CHF 4'390.-

à partir de CHF 5'790.-


Event details at a glance.

Date: Tuesday, 25 March 2025
Time: 2:00 to 5:00 pm with subsequent Formula 1 experience & aperitif riche
Location: Sauber Motorsport AG, Wildbachstrasse 5, 8340 Hinwil | Google Maps
Language:  German

Take the opportunity to network with leading minds in the industry and be inspired by pioneering AI applications.

Register now

Vos données entre de bonnes mains - avec IBM Storage FlashSystem.

IA, big data et science des données - la croissance des données générées et stockées augmente de manière exponentielle. D'ici 2024, elles dépasseront les 150 zettaoctets. 1 Une grande partie (plus de 2/3) de ces données sera stockée dans le Cloud. 2 Et 60 % des données stockées dans le Cloud seront des données d'entreprise, une tendance qui s'accentuera rapidement. 3

Cela n'est pas surprenant, car grâce aux innombrables offres de stockage dans le Cloud, les entreprises peuvent stocker des quantités de données toujours plus importantes sans devoir investir dans du matériel supplémentaire. La tentation est grande d'utiliser toujours plus de capacité de stockage auprès d'un large éventail de fournisseurs.

* Sascha Lobo, born in 1975, lives with his wife Jule and three children in Berlin and on the internet. He works as an author, speaker, podcaster and digital entrepreneur. He has been writing a weekly column on since 2011. He publishes books on current affairs and can often be seen on talk shows. Together with Jule Lobo, he hosts the podcast “Feel the News - Was Deutschland bewegt”.

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