Meet share and collaborate with the MeetingBoard.
Schedule fantastic meetings.
1. Hassle-free start
Join meetings with one-touch. Move meetings to anywhere.
2. Awesome view
Integrated 4K and the optical PTZ camera deliver outstanding, colour-rich images. Make sure everyone is seen clearly with AI-supported features including Auto Framing and Speaker Tracking.
3. True voice
Stereo microphones and speakers support full-duplex audio within a 12 m radius. AI-enhanced noise and reverberation suppression ensure crystal clarity.
4. Instant share.
Plug and share without the need for additional configuration.
5. Let your ideas flow
Brainstorm on a shared whiteboard.
We use Youtube to embed video content on our website. This service may collect data on your activity. For more information, please go to the settings page.
The MeetingBoard has got it all!
Leading platforms
Mobile floor stand
4K, 6x optical zoom
AI-powered view
12 m voice pickup
Noise cancellation
Wireless sharing
Smart Whiteboard
4K camera
Auto Framing
Speaker Tracking
Multi-focus Framing
Electronic privacy filter An industry first.
6x PTZ camera
& 12x PTZ camera
Hear and be heard.
Premium full-duplex audio experience.
4+2 stereo speakers
stereo audio
Hi-Fi sound quality
of sound coverage
acoustic fabric design
AI audio DSP
8 m
full-duplex audio
Built-in beamforming array
with 16 microphones
AI noise cancellation
Reverberation suppression
Wireless extended mics
for larger spaces
Meet everywhere with one board.