There is no such thing as boring. Every topic has exciting stories because it's about people. What moves people cannot be boring. And the next exciting story is only a question away.
I’m Marie Wickinghoff and have been at Bechtle since September 2018 working in training and pupil marketing. In this role, I’m the initial contact for our AZUBIT initiative, creating job ads for trainees at the Bechtle locations and organising a range of events for pupils.
I’m Justine, I’m 21 years old and currently in my second year of training.
I’ve been undergoing training to become an office manager with a focus on HR and accounting at Bechtle in Neckarsulm since September 2019. As an AZUBIT, I would love to share my daily work and experiences with you.
I joined Bechtle in July 2018 as a System Engineer and since then I have been able to gain experience in both deployment planning and administration. In my current position, my organisational talent and curiosity are an absolute asset. Through the newly acquired tasks of marketing and event management, I always try to keep in close contact with our initiators in order to work out ideas and current topics.