
Is a Mac really more expensive than a PC?
Time to let the figures speak for themselves.

A recent employee study conducted by Jamf shows that 72% of employees would prefer to with with Apple devices. Have you ever thought about the effect on the cost of your IT infrastructure and its operative support if you let your employees choose the device they want to work with. 

In a study commissioned by Apple and conducted by Forrester Consulting, seven corporate customers were analysed to determine the precise total economic impact (TEI) of this decision. The interviewed organisations decided to implement an employee choice program and enterprise Mac deployment.

This resulted in significant benefits, as detailed in this study. With Mac, the organisations surveyed reduced IT support costs, improved employee productivity and engagement, and improved overall security.

Download Forrester study (for free)

Read the full study “The Total Economic Impact™ of Mac in Enterprise” to learn more about the affordability and many more benefits of introducing Mac into your organisation.

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Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.

We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.


Just press play

Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.

We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.