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    1419,99 €

    Precio bruto: 1718,19 € incl. 298,20 € IVANo incluye

    Entrega estimada el 25. junio.

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    ARC Replication and High Availability(RHA) ensures the continuous availability of applications and systems with proven technologies. The solution reliably maps the strictest Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with asynchronous technologies and eliminates the need for additional, specialized replication SW for applications and systems. Please contact soysal.yoleri@bechtle.com for further terms and conditions.

    arcserve Professional Services Package 3.3: Replication and High Availbility Administration Education per day remote OLP

    Idioma productoAlemán, Inglés, Español, Francés, Italiano, Japonés, Portugués, Chino tradicional (Taiwán)
    Modelo de licenciasCommercial Customers
    Sistema operativoIndependiente de la plataforma
    VersiónPer Day