Microsoft Azure AI

Microsoft Azure AI and Graph API – AI tools for developers.

Thanks to Azure AI, your developers will be able to use a comprehensive palette of AI tools and APIs to create their own AI solutions. Best of all, the Azure AI platform offers an enterprise-grade AI infrastructure that runs AI workloads quickly at scale.

Artificial intelligence? You’re already using it.

Many AI services included in Azure AI are already part of Microsoft products such as Office and Windows. These include preconfigured services for image analysis, intelligent speech and text processing, automated speech synthesis, real-time translation, text analysis and search features.

Best of all, Azure Machine Learning lets you create and train your own machine learning models while the Azure Bot Service creates a framework and an integrated environment for developing bot applications, useful e-mails and Skype for Business, for example.

Choose a platform.

Create your AI solution exactly where your data is—in the intelligent cloud, locally, or at the intelligent edge. Thanks to container-based deployment, AI can be used wherever there’s a docker container.

The best connection – Microsoft Graph API.

Want to combine Office 365 applications like Skype for Business, SharePoint, and Microsoft Office with Azure AI? With Microsoft Graph API you can! Microsoft has approved API for developers, enterprises can now realise applications based on Microsoft Graph, and Microsoft Graph also lets you gain valuable insights from your data,  such as the files certain users use, how often and the people they usually work with.

AI example: Hyperfish.

Hyperfish is a tool that is built on Azure AI that recognises outdated, incorrect or missing Active Directory information. The Hyperfish bot conducts a dialogue with the customer, asking for information and even alerting them to incorrect information. The result is a clear success—the workload of managing the Active Directory is reduced to a minimum.

A team of over 60 specialists support customers in getting to grips with Office 365 and developing Azure AI solutions.

HanseVision, Germany.

The software solution, Hyperfish, complements the HanseVision portfolio, streamlining and enhancing IT projects relating to Office 365, Skype for Business and SharePoint.

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Evolusys, Switzerland.

Evolusys is a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics, and a Silver Partner in the Cloud Productivity and Cloud Platform categories.

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