
Ircad Strasbourg.

This is the project that our AI team has carried out with IRCAD this year! Watch the testimony of Professor Jacques Marescaux - President of Ircad, Alexandre Hostettler - R&D Director and Toby Collins - Surgical Data Science Research Director in the video !

Spark Racing Technology.

Spark Racing Technology is a company specializing in the development and engineering of high performance electric mobility cars and modules. The founding of the company coincides with the birth of the Formula E project.


Over the years, EUROCFD’s reputation and expertise has seen it diversify into numerous industrial sectors in France and abroad. 


The LPEM has put together a research group specialising in correlation-based materials theory with a focus on super and thermal-electric conductors.

Arobas Technologies.

Located in the economic and industrial heart of France near Lyon, the company also has a branch office in the Île-de-France region.

Dolphin Design.

Dolphin Design, previously Dolphin Integration, is an SME employing 160 staff, 140 of which are engineers, in the field of semi-conductors.


Founded in 1994 by Pierre Chambon, one of the most important personalities in the field of biomedical research, the institute is now one of the leading research centres in Europe in the field of genetics and molecular biology. In France, it is the largest research unit involving INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research), CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and the University of Strasbourg.

The Institut Pasteur.

The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned centre for biomedical research that has made it its mission to fight communicable and non-communicable diseases.


Videtics is a startup developing AI analysis tools for video surveillance.

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HPC/  IA Team

Phone: 03 69 06 34 22