
Communication and Collaboration:

United in the world of modern communication.

Efficient communication in this age of fragmented teams, remote working and agile projects is one of the greatest challenges facing companies. Employees need to be available at all times—both to their colleagues and their customers—no matter where they are or the device they are using. It also has to be possible to see who is available at which times. Collaboration  tools expand business communication and help ensure that all members of a team use the same file versions. Departmental silos and fragmented communications tools obstruct collaboration and coordination while inefficient internal communication undermines every project. Modern collaboration tools are therefore a crucial component of a digital transformation.  

An overview of the benefits of more modern communications and collaboration solutions:


More efficient ways of working and transparent communication.


Faster, silos broken down, agile working supported.


Easy sharing of knowledge and documents.


Structured and fast collaboration on projects.

People’s basic understanding of availability and Unified Communications (UC) revolves around the forwarding of calls to a landline number to a smartphone, and digital IP phones and softphones that allow calls to be answered from a notebook. However, these new tools offer so much more than that. Efficient communications solutions are not only important for companies that have a high volume of incoming calls. With the right groupware, IT can enable flexible, new working models, which ultimately means new forms of collaboration, enhanced productivity and improved employee morale. Modern groupware brings departments together and bridges the gulfs that previously existed.  

Unified Communications - Collaboration tools for all your needs.

In our everyday lives, we all use communications tools that are capable of more than those we use in the office. Every single instant messenger with integrated calling, video chats, file sharing and information regarding availability offers so much more than the majority of communications solutions in use in companies. But times are changing thanks to Bechtle’s modern communications solutions. Internal communication is so much more than phone calls and e-mails. Modern enterprise communication tools promote direct contact between employees due to increased availability. They also enable the integration of collaboration tools and office software. Why waste time on e-mails when you could be working on your projects? 

What does Unified Communications stand for?

  A communications solution is unified when it allows a user to be reached no matter the device, enables more than one form of communication, and is available to all employees. This is the complete opposite of tools that are used in one department, but not in another. UCC breaks down these barriers.

Being able to clearly see if a person is available or not by looking at their status in messenger also helps facilitate collaboration and enquiries. The benefit for the employee is that they can work uninterrupted when they need to.

The second “C” in “UCC” stands for Collaboration and reflects the fact that teams aren’t only able to write messages, but also plan appointments and share files. They need to be able to work together no matter where they are. Integrating communication and productivity results in Unified Communication and Collaboration or UCC for short.

UCC groupware – Redefining business communication.

Bechtle supports businesses in making the switch to Unified Communications and therefore maintaining uniformity. Silos that exist between departments and branches disappear when everyone can communicate with each other whenever they want. And it’s not only existing departments that become more productive with the right communication, organisation and collaboration tools. New, agile projects teams and working groups handling important topics can be created with this groupware. By leveraging groupware from the cloud, companies can organise their collaboration and communication. For teams, departments and projects.

Bechtle’s partners: Strong brands for active communication.

Bechtle offers recognised communications and collaboration solutions that are already supporting enterprises and SMEs around the world. These solutions facilitate simple collaboration between employees alongside a reliable connection to the Office landscape they know and trust. One of the most obvious benefits of cloud services is all members of a team being able to work on the same document meaning that, with the right integration, established office software can become a real collaboration tool. Applications such as Outlook, SharePoint and Office are growing together digitally Thanks to numerous apps and interfaces to other planning and productivity tools, collaboration tools can be extended virtually whenever required. 

There are a range of solutions on the market for digital meetings, team-oriented communication and video conferences. Many companies are already using a raft of end devices and communications solutions from numerous manufacturers. The right groupware brings together virtual teams and joint planning within internal communications, including group messages, file sharing and virtual meetings. Comprehensive and uniform Unified Communication and Collaboration solutions are innovative, secure and reliable.

Bechtle is by your side, not only in terms of strategy, implementation and integration into your business processes, but we also help your employees to get to grips with the new cloud solutions so they can be used effectively by using interactive tools, tailored training and project marketing.

Our groupware in your company: Overcoming hurdles.

How can businesses efficiently organise teams that aren’t always in the same room? How do meetings and long-term projects work without physical contact? Bechtle’s system solution covers all aspects of collaboration. Not being in the same room should not be the death knell for productivity or communication. It’s been proven that working in locations other than the office in fact increases productivity. Technology allows departments to intertwine, no matter where in the world they are or where the people are working and that’s the magic of modern groupware systems. Virtual meetings with screen sharing, an infinite number of rooms and digital appointment planning are overcoming these distances.

We support customers with targeted consultations and work together with them to analyse the ideal solution for each of their needs before developing a suitable integration strategy. What’s important to understand is that efficient business communication is not created simply by introducing an additional tool. It requires much more work. We analyse which solution best meets your needs and take care of integrating it into existing systems. The objective is to achieve more with fewer tools and not add additional solutions to what is already there.

modern workplace
Business communication: Communications solutions are blazing a trail towards a new form of collaboration.

Unified Communication and Collaboration tools are the communications culture we know and love from our everyday lives into the office. Users have learned what it can mean for communication when they can call, write or send files to friends and relatives with an app. Groupware and collaboration tools are introducing this level of availability to business communication via all channels—in real-time and asynchronously—without the need for group e-mails and “do not disturb” signs. For the benefit of collaboration. Leveraging the right communications management, businesses ensure levels of employee morale remain high.

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