
    Sélectionnez un lieu, une date et ajoutez des participants
    3 000,99 €

    Prix brut : 3 601,19 € avec 600,20 € de TVA

    Réf. Bechtle


    Formation en ligne


    4 jour(s)

    Conditions requises

    You have a good understanding of Windows and Web Server.


    Internet Information Services is a solution that can be delivered in a couple of hours as well as in 3 weeks - we practised both options! IIS is a never-ending subject that requires a deep-dive if you are considering using it for web farm administration or if you want to become familiar with IIS behaviour in particular situations. During this intensive 5-day training students will be introduced to the process of configuring advanced IIS features, configuring security settings, performing advanced troubleshooting and monitoring. You will learn everything you need to maintain and provide availability to business Web Application platform.


    Seminar language: English