Reclaim your focus with Autopilot
IT managers have seen huge changes to their role over recent years, partly as a result of digitisation and the new way of working. IT is becoming increasingly important for organisations, your IT landscape is becoming more complex, and you’re expected to provide your input into the company's strategy. At the same time, the IT sector has been suffering from a large staff shortage for a long time, a trend that will continue in the coming years. What can you do to optimize your IT department?
More than 60% of IT managers say they spend too much time on device management, leaving no time for more important things. There are different solutions and tool who can make your life as an IT manager much easier!
Read what Windows Autopilot can do for your organisation.
Windows Autopilot
Windows Autopilot lets you quickly and easily set up your Windows devices in minutes with just a few simple clicks.
Windows Autopilot is a collection of technologies used to set up and pre-configure new devices, getting them ready for productive use. You can also use Windows Autopilot to reset, repurpose, and recover devices. This solution enables an IT department to achieve the above with little to no infrastructure to manage, with a process that's easy and simple.
Windows Autopilot simplifies the Windows device lifecycle, for both IT and end users, from initial deployment to end of life. Using cloud-based services, Windows Autopilot:
Reduces the time IT spends on deploying, managing, and retiring devices. Reduces the infrastructure required to maintain the devices. Maximizes ease of use for all types of end users. |
Traditionally, IT pros spend significant time building and customizing images that will later be deployed to devices. Windows Autopilot introduces a new approach.
Get employee devices up and running faster than ever before.
Read more about it in our whitepaper.
Do you want to unburden you IT department even more?
For example, by outsourcing most of the device management, you can free up time for innovation and transformation.
Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.
We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.
Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.
We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.