Samsung Electronics

Samsung VXT (CMS + RM) Standard

Applicazione: public display... altro
171,99 €

Prezzo lordo: 209,83 €incl. 37,84 € IVA escl.

Consegna prevista per il 13. dicembre.


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Standard cloud service with extensive CMS & RM features. Valid for 12 months after purchase (does not extend automatically) Incl. highly available cloud service. Standard support level via e-mail/contact form on business days and during normal business hours. Samsung VXT is a subscription-based management solution that enables the publication and sharing of content created with the embedded VXT Canvas as well as multimedia content imported from external sources (e.g. Pictures and videos) Comes with a simple and intuitive UI/UX Offers a range of resources that can be used for the creation of content (e.g. widgets, pictures, videos and shapes) Provides a selection of artistic content and templates (e.g. restaurant menu boards) to facilitate content creation Offers advanced remote device management capabilities that enable easy, real-time control and management of both individual and groups of devices. Samsung VXT Standard Features: General: - Tags Content Management Features: - Mobile UI - Content creation tools (Canvas) - Ad (3rd party ad play) Remote Management Features: - Detailed screen status - On/off Service: - E-mail response with a business day

Samsung VXT (CMS + RM) Standard

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In generale
Applicazionepublic display