Multi and hybrid clouds – The heart of the modern data centre.

Highly-flexible and secure cloud architectures have become a game changer in the industry. The cloud is becoming part of everyday business life in order to be able to react flexibly and quickly to new requirements, optimise processes or implement data-based business models.

The hybrid cloud – a blend of in-house IT and data centre infrastructure with private and public clouds – and the parallel use of services from different cloud platforms determine the foundations of modern data centres. The (hybrid) multi-cloud will dominate in the future, which is why we have positioned ourselves as a multi-cloud service provider with highly protected German data centres to provide customers with various multi-cloud strategies from a single source directly from Bechtle.

You’ll find a cloud solution to meet your needs in our cloud portal – no matter if you are a new, existing or Bechtle Clouds customer.

The multiple benefits of our multi-cloud solutions:

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Use cloud services and platforms in parallel.

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Boost flexibility and reduce complexity.

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Increase availability and reliability.

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Save costs with the best solution at the best price.

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Financing and invoicing that are tailored to your needs.

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Increase transparency thanks to direct invoicing from a single source.

Head of Business Management Service & Solutions

Sven Heinsen

The modern data centre is ITs navigation hub, which is why we consider the big picture—from planning, procurement, installation and virtualisation to automation and data centre operations. We optimise your data centre architecture so you can focus on your business.

Every beginning seems hard – Cleverly combining data centre and cloud.

Rethinking how IT will be used in the future doesn’t mean simply thinking about new IT. Which usage and provisioning models are ideal for workloads and applications to combine the best of both data centre and cloud worlds? How can I outsource workloads in a highly flexible way, switch them on and off periodically, or better integrate AI frameworks into my data centre architecture? How can growth and changes on the market or with my customers be managed as flexibly as possible? In other words, reduce CapEx and make OpEx more flexible and implement variable payment models such as pay-as-you-go or as-you-grow. How can I ensure consistent secure operations across existing infrastructures and cloud platforms with hybrid and multi-cloud models? Which migration scenarios are the best for my business?

Every beginning seems hard as the simultaneous use of different architectures, technologies and operating models brings with it new challenges such as complexity and costs, data management, transparency, data governance and overarching management.

Every beginning is easy – Cloud migration with leading hyperscalers.

Getting started is simple. With good advice and comprehensive needs analysis and goal definition, you will see that cloud management only benefits your business. A wide-ranging portfolio of cloud solutions from our technology partners, our close collaboration with the leading hyperscalers AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google, and cloud services produced in-house fulfil many of your needs. Through our Bechtle Clouds portal, we moderate and coordinate hyperscalers’ cloud platforms and services and combine them with our own services such as dashboards and uniform billing from a single source.

Bechtle has adopted a multi-cloud strategy so that you benefit from a technical, commercial and regulatory point of view

  • Avoid dependencies
  • Consider redundancies
  • Improve backup and recovery

Bechtle Services – Services as a package.

Bechtle Services are individual services from our portfolio that are offered within clearly-defined parameters at a fixed price. Since the price and the scope of the service are clearly defined, you can invest into your company’s digital transformation without too much risk.


Our modern data centre services at a glance:


Azure Windows Virtual Desktop package.


Step into the Cloud for financial institutions. 


Microsoft Azure migration.


It’s time to take the first step.

Ask about our consultation and service packages such as “Step into the Cloud” and “Migrate” and we’ll help you decide which the best data centre and cloud architecture is for you and implement it. For example, by offering workshops in which we’ll work with you to develop a cloud strategy and check which initial workloads are suitable for the cloud and help you migrate others as well. 

Don’t worry. We’re there for you in operations as well. With our Azure Operations managed service, we take on operative responsibility either entirely or partially.

Would you like an expert consultation on the topic of multi-clouds?

Get in touch for a free consultation.

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