Successful cloud migration

Discover the risks and rewards of migrating to the cloud

As an IT manager, you know how much of a challenge it can be to migrate to the cloud. Aside from the technical transition, you also have to consider security, regulations, costs and maintaining performance. Plus configuring an efficient and secure cloud environment takes time. How can you make sure a migration runs smoothly?


Successful cloud migration

Discover the risks and rewards of migrating to the cloud

As an IT manager, you know how much of a challenge it can be to migrate to the cloud. Aside from the technical transition, you also have to consider security, regulations, costs and maintaining performance. Plus configuring an efficient and secure cloud environment takes time. How can you make sure a migration runs smoothly?


Challenges of cloud migration

Benefits of cloud migration


It's important to be aware that large-scale migrations require extensive planning.



There may be improved ROI in the short and long term, but migrations eat up time, money and resources.



Migrations bring with them the risk of unauthorised access, data leaks and potential privacy breaches.



With data being moved to the cloud, it's important to plan properly to minimise downtime.



If your employees receive training, they'll be well-equipped to work in the cloud.


Security features and specialised cloud security utilities are built right in.



Automation reduces the need for manual tasks and therefore minimises errors.



Track problems and analyse performance.



Grow with your business.


Cost management

Effectively manage cloud costs.



Support GDPR compliance.

Benefits of cloud migration


Security features and specialised cloud security utilities are built right in.



Automation reduces the need for manual tasks and therefore minimises errors.



Track problems and analyse performance.



Grow with your business.


Cost management

Effectively manage cloud costs.



Support GDPR compliance.

Lay the groundwork for your cloud infrastructure.

To migrate to the cloud, you need a solid foundation, which is where the Azure Landing Zone comes in. The Landing Zone is a preconfigured cloud infrastructure in Microsoft Azure, which you can use as a blueprint for your own infrastructure. It provides a structured approach for deploying cloud services and solutions and leverages best practices, policies and templates to boost overall security, compliance and efficiency to make it easier for businesses to make the switch to Azure.

man with glasses and laptop

Work more efficiently in the cloud

Thinking of migrating to the cloud? Already working in the cloud, but struggling with optimisation and management issues? Good planning is the key to a successful transition. Our cloud migration workshops have been designed to support your business no matter where you are in the migration process. We identify your specific needs and offer practical solutions the give your cloud strategy a boost with a focus on cost efficiency, security, boosting performance and maximising productivity.

man with glasses and laptop
man in data centre with laptop

Step into the Cloud Workshop

Discover the workshop and Step into the Cloud. This workshop has been designed to understand and configure your Azure infrastructure and acts as your launch pad into the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework. During this face-to-face workshop, we will dive into your personal requirements and offer more insight into Azure services, hybrid IT, connectivity and more.



Azure Checkpoint Workshop

Cost management is all about analysing, optimising and saving. Need transparent costing for using Azure? Then you need to regularly review your consumption. This workshop provides a structured approach to achieving this goal and covers a wide range of topics such as Azure environment analysis, using Reservations, the hybrid licensing model (HUB), service optimisations and more