
Bechtle IT solutions.

Digitalisation is putting IT at the front and centre of strategic planning. Every industry is facing new challenges regarding how to produce, deliver, collaborate and communicate with customers. While IT is already an integral component of a company’s business processes, its importance continues to grow dramatically. The times when IT systems were mere circuitry designed to support conventional operations have long since been over. They’ve come to be a fundamental link in the supply chain.

No longer regarded a mere in-house affair and money pit with dubious return, corporate IT is now the main facilitator for new products and services. Automation, customer experience, big data and modern working environments are all proving to be big challenges for IT decision makers. These decision makers – who are consistently evaluating and implementing new IT services as needed – are the ones who give businesses a cutting edge over their competitors and it is therefore IT specialists who are the driving force behind innovation and development.


IT solutions that click 

The path to digital transformation is littered with stumbling blocks, but we can guide our customers through with our end-to-end IT portfolio. Our solutions for the modern workplace, IT security, data centres, networks and business applications interlace perfectly and cover all our customers’ central needs. We are on hand to support companies with our consulting, integration and managed services expertise—from the planning and design phase to integration and operations, and all from a single source. We manage your IT so that you can focus on your core business.

The best advice in IT.

Bechtle is your ideal partner for future-ready IT solutions. We’re able to provide quick, export support. Bechtle is how you make sure your IT project become a resounding success. Thanks to the breadth of our expertise, we are in an excellent position to offer the best advice for any scenario. Our experts support customers’ individual needs with IT services and advice:

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Design efficient modern workplaces


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Protect your data with advanced security solutions


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Leverage the cloud without compromising security


Head of Service Business Development

Sven Heinsen

We turn the challenges facing our customers in the course of digitalisation into practical, future-oriented IT solutions.

IT infrastructures. Cloud computing. Mobile working. Security. Big data. Bechtle’s holistic approach.

No matter the technical and organisational challenge you are facing, Bechtle has the right people near you to help you find the best solutions and services for your needs and we won’t leave your side until everything is up and running. We offer truly end-to-end support from the initial analysis and definition of requirements right up to implementation. Bechtle can also support your operations team or even take on operations of your environment 100%.

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Paving the path to the cloud.

Bechtle makes sure your IT systems migrate into the cloud safe and sound. We design the best network solution for your environment and turn your in-house and external communications digital. We leave no stone unturned as we help you to master your digital transformation: employee mobility, big data to drive sales, connected production and the ideal network solution for your entire organisation. Our experts can look back on decades of experience with IT processes and services. Big data, IoT, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and new collaboration tools: Every year, there’s something else that demands urgent attention. Which of those are strategically relevant for your business and what’s the best way to get the results you need? Bechtle has the answers.

What are IT solutions?

An IT solution is an application or combination of hardware, software and services that fulfils a certain requirement or solves a specific issue. There are off-the-peg solutions and those that are highly customised to specific use cases customer needs. The benefits of Bechtle: We are vendor-neutral. Our focus is firmly on the best result for the individual customers. Bechtle is your provider for IT solutions and systems.

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Tomorrow’s IT solutions today.

Looking to automate processes, network production and logistics or link up sales data with your marketing tools? Big data isn’t just for the big players. Digitalisation can help every company see the complete picture and make better decisions. Getting there, however, is a huge undertaking that takes a lot of experience to give you the security and reliable results you need. Bechtle helps you make these new IT services a reality in your business. From the data centre into the cloud, we plan the best network solution for your needs, analyse the hardware required and help you migrate all your data assets on the road to successful digitalisation.

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Ajay Arithoppah

Phone: +44 124946 7944


Modern Meeting.

Better meetings in smaller spaces: make your meetings both more productive and future-proof.

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