It’s easy to let the things we no longer need linger around the house, the addition of our charity boxes in offices gave so many the motivation to clear out and rehome the clothes we no longer reach for, the books we’ve closed for good and the odds and ends we don’t quite have the need for anymore. These drop off points were around for the whole month of April giving everyone the opportunity for a sort out, cutting emissions as we went by seeing less need for independent trips to donation points by getting it done in one go. With clothing being one of the leading contributors to landfills, donating is a great way to reduce this issue, and what is Spring if not the time for new life?
For those things that are too worn to pass on, we found old garments are great repurposed into cleaning supplies saving you money and getting the most out of what you have. Cleaning can be incredibly beneficial for our physical and mental health but shouldn’t damage our environment in the process. Small switches like this and looking into reduced chemical, cruelty free products are small changes that make a big impact.
We’re not just giving things away but giving back to our community. After the success of last year’s litter picking, we’re getting ready to head back with more troupes on hand to spruce up even more of our local areas. That’s not all, with volunteering days open to everyone we’ve got opportunities to work with animals and spend days with our chosen charities giving us all the chance to step out of the office to share the love and get involved where it counts.
For the kitchen cupboards our focus shifted from getting rid to preventing the issue, looking to promote recipes that utilise the entire pantry, cutting down the chance of leaving anything behind. Food waste has never been as prevalent as it is today, and in a time when people are struggling to juggle the bills making sure we use what we have has never been so important.