
Bechtle Service Managers – Seal of success for your managed services.

We see the role of the service manager at Bechtle as a holistic task - from A for proposal planning to Z for consolidation. This is because it involves a wide range of topics, not only providing services to the customer in accordance with contractual agreements, but far beyond that: as a "single point of contact", our service managers bundle expertise, technological and organisational tasks, and not only ensure the quality of the services, but also take care of continuous improvement. As service managers, we are responsible for project planning for new offers and mediate in the interaction between customer, sales, technology and offer preparation. We report, evaluate and escalate - always in the interest of the customer, as the customer's advocate and moderator.

Because our service managers’ know their ABCs in every situation, acting as advocates, bridge-builders and change managers. Someone with an ear always open for issues, who builds bridges between customers and Bechtle, and brings with them new impulses and food for thought. This is how we increase customer satisfaction and ensure we are there for our customers.



Customer proximity is the key to success. Customer relationships are about reliability, trust and exchange at eye level. In my role as service manager, I make a decisive contribution to this.

Daniel Schmid, Head Operational Services, Bechtle Schweiz AG


Learn from Daniel Schmid in our blog post why the most important tool of a service manager is the way of communication.

Read blog

No avenue unexplored.

You can only develop something together with happy customers. That’s why customer satisfaction has many aspects for us—there are good days and bad days. And you can only have close collaboration when you also have mutual trust and openness. As a customer, you need to be able to trust that we are always acting in your best interests, that our deed is as good as our word, and that we are always here to talk—even about difficult situations. These should be the relationship guidelines for both our customers and ourselves. This is what drives our service managers every day. We use them to measure customer satisfaction as only in this way can you really benefit from the advantages of managed services.

Service managers benefits at a glance.

Customer proximity you can feel—based on trust.

Reduced complexity—because we take care of the interfaces.

Communication on equal terms—to foster trust and happy customers.

Concentrate on what’s important—so you can rest easy.

Reduce costs—know where you can afford to save.

A businessman showing another business man something on his tablet.

These are the benefits of our service managers.

At Bechtle, our service managers keep their skills up to date with regular training. This naturally covers technical training in all relevant ITIL skills, project management, and other tools,

but also encompasses standard soft and management skills. Because skills like empathy and strong communication, the ability to counsel and advise, and emotional intelligence and reliability all require not only a high level of dedication, but also opportunities to further develop these at Bechtle. Our specific service manager training on the topics of leadership behaviour and contract negotiation, communication, feedback and critical analysis, all give our customers the assurance that they are working with people who see themselves as customer managers.


Make our community yours.

The Bechtle Service Manager Community is one aspect that helps us and thus our customers. Through cross-sector networking, we embody our philosophy of One Bechtle on a daily basis—discussing concrete issues and gaining additional perspectives and new impulses on other projects and regular meetings. The community supports us in creating success stories for our customers more easily and quickly and to better implement standardisation.

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