
Communication and collaboration –
Fast and seamless networking.

Efficient communication and speedy collaboration are more important today than ever. In an age dominated by dispersed, hybrid-working teams, it is essential that employees can work together seamlessly. Who can be connected via which channel? How can in-house and external communications be made more efficient? Which are the best tools and strategies for agile collaboration? Companies are today faced with these questions and many more as inefficient communication can be a stumbling block to team work and quickly cause frustration among employees, which in turn means lower productivity and ultimately financial losses. Modern communication and collaboration tools are, therefore, a critical component of the Modern Workplace in every company.

Questions about communication and collaboration? Send us a message and our experts will be in touch.


An overview of the benefits of more modern communications and collaboration tools:

Revenue growth Icon
More efficient working and time savings.
Lifetime Value Cycle Icon
Seamless collaboration.
Satisfaction Icon
Motivated employees.

Organisations are no longer able to ignore the need for modern communication and collaboration tools, but they need a well-thought out strategy to ensure their employees achieve their best the business benefits from the Modern Workplace.

Markus Etzel, Head of Modern Work.

What is Unified Communications and how can it benefit companies?

When it comes to Unified Communications, the first step is to break down existing communications silos and then link up the various systems and devices to allow seamless collaboration. To do so, existing video conferencing and DECT systems need to be paired and integrated as much as other end devices to allow users to work on teams with ease.


What is Unified Communications and how can it benefit companies?

When it comes to Unified Communications, the first step is to break down existing communications silos and then link up the various systems and devices to allow seamless collaboration. To do so, existing video conferencing and DECT systems need to be paired and integrated as much as other end devices to allow users to work on teams with ease.


Seamless – Using modern communication and collaboration tools effectively.


In many businesses, collaboration tools are used in conjunction with phone and chat systems and other video conferencing tools. The aim of a modern communication and collaboration strategy is to develop a holistic approach to integrating individual tools with each other so that employees aren’t forced into constantly switching platforms and can collaborate from home, the office and on the road. This not only breaks down barriers, but boosts efficiency and satisfaction. To define the perfect solution, it’s important to take a close look at the status quo within the company to identify the foundations on which to offer coherent communication and collaboration.

Expertise across the board – Modern communication and collaboration with Bechtle.

Our highly trained and certified experts have already flexed their muscles in a host of projects at home and abroad.

As technical products such as Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams are constantly developing, Bechtle’s experts are skilled at integrating modern video conferencing systems and breaking down communications silos. Their focus is firmly on understanding their customers’ needs and designing the perfect solution to take collaboration to the next level.

Expertise across the board – Modern communication and collaboration with Bechtle.

Our highly trained and certified experts have already flexed their muscles in a host of projects at home and abroad.

As technical products such as Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams are constantly developing, Bechtle’s experts are skilled at integrating modern video conferencing systems and breaking down communications silos. Their focus is firmly on understanding their customers’ needs and designing the perfect solution to take collaboration to the next level.

Methodology – Four steps to a perfect solution.

When it comes to Unified Communications, everyone’s needs are different and yet each project follows the same standardised approach, designed to put our customers’ needs under the microscope in order to design and integrate the best possible solution.

Design and strategy.

Our architecture, onboarding and training workshops have been designed to support you as you make the transition to modern communications.



The pilot phase allows us to test out the new environment.


Our specialists roll out your new communications solution and ensure that it works seamlessly with your existing systems. We also make sure that migration and/or parallel operations run smoothly.


Unified Communications brings together a whole wealth of systems and tools. We integrate and pair existing video conferencing and DECT systems as well as associated end devices.

The pillars of modern working.
Mobile Working.
Meeting Solutions.

Workplace Security.

Extended Reality.
Digital Office.
User Adoption & Change.
Managed Workplace Services.
Digital Workplace Sovereignty.
The Future of Work.
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Download whitepaper

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*Mandatory field.


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