managed services outsourcing outtasking people office work

Outsourcing & Outtasking

Tailored IT that puts you ahead of the curve.

Modern corporate strategies are characterised by the digital transformation and staying at the competitive edge is dependent on being able to recognise challenges, develop strategies and successfully implement innovative strategies. It’s not enough simply to digitalise content. Companies have to find new solutions for business processes, working styles and corporate structures. To get the most of their potential, businesses are increasingly outsourcing some of their IT functions to external service providers either to pool resources for digitalisation or to procure the technological basis for the next steps.

Bechtle provides the best-possible service you need to grow. As an experienced service provider, we take on responsibility for your IT so you focus your attentions on what’s important to you. We are also by your side with innovations and future-facing technologies such as IoT and Cloud Services. Bechtle is your outsourcing and outtasking partner that always puts your needs front and centre so you are fit to face whatever tomorrow brings.

Let’s talk about Managed Services.

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Your benefits

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We take a load off your IT admins’ shoulders through optimised operations.

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We lay the groundwork for your digital transformation and take responsibility for your future viability.

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We analyse what you need to make your future a success and implement it in accordance with your individual needs.

Full outsourcing

Want to outsource your full IT operations or parts thereof to a reliable service provider? You’ve come to the right place. We’re happy to take care of whatever you need us to and will even take on your staff. Your transformation is our priority every step of the way and we’ll work with you to define a future mode of operation to which we can align our services. No matter if tailored or standardised, legacy or cloud, hosted or in your on-site data centre, we have all the tools you need to achieve your objectives. From your IT infrastructure to your employees’ workstations.

Selective sourcing

Give us as much responsibility as you like. No matter your reasons for sourcing—skilled worker shortage, 24×7 service quality, preparing for a spin-off or securing your position in a growth market—you’ll find the perfect solution. We integrate into your environments and processes and therefore become part of your organisation. Get started with individual services such as commissioning a service desk, end device management, network or cloud environment operations. We’ll help you find the perfect level of outsourcing that works for you.


Looking for a partner that can take certain activities off your hands? You’ll find the perfect offering in our outsourcing portfolio. From service desks, monitoring and managed installations to managed software distribution, security monitoring and analyses and Backup as a Service (BaaS), no job is too small for Bechtle’s scalable and standardised service bundles.

Digital transformation challenges demand the expertise of multiple specialists. We’ll work for and with you to lay the foundations for your future by taking on responsibility for your successful development and allowing you to concentrate on your core business.

Ingo Janßen, Business Manager Managed Services

Our definition of outsourcing and outtasking.


When it comes to outsourcing, we take on full responsibility for your IT infrastructure and all IT processes. If you’d prefer us to only take on parts and manage them according to your specific needs, this is outtasking. Both Managed Services give you the opportunity to focus fully on your core business. Bechtle is your qualified partner for innovative technologies, working to minimise downtimes at a cost that won’t blow the budget. As an IT specialist, we can reliably help you identify and utilise potential and give you the valuable motivation and services you need to set yourself up for the future.

Full outsourcing

Want to outsource your full IT operations or parts thereof to a reliable service provider? You’ve come to the right place. We’re happy to take care of whatever you need us to and will even take on your staff. Your transformation is our priority every step of the way and we’ll work with you to define a future mode of operation to which we can align our services. No matter if tailored or standardised, legacy or cloud, hosted or in your on-site data centre, we have all the tools you need to achieve your objectives. From your IT infrastructure to your employees’ workstations.

Full outsourcing

Want to outsource your full IT operations or parts thereof to a reliable service provider? You’ve come to the right place. We’re happy to take care of whatever you need us to and will even take on your staff. Your transformation is our priority every step of the way and we’ll work with you to define a future mode of operation to which we can align our services. No matter if tailored or standardised, legacy or cloud, hosted or in your on-site data centre, we have all the tools you need to achieve your objectives. From your IT infrastructure to your employees’ workstations.

Would you like to learn more about our managed services?

If you have any questions or would like an initial consultation, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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