Digitalising public services.

Applying for an ID, registering a change of address and a car are all services that citizens can only take advantage of by physically going in to the nearest government office. However, nine out of ten Germans state that they would like their city or municipal administration to implement the digitalisation in these areas much more quickly than they are (Bitkom).


of Germans want their local public administration to roll out digitalisation more quickly.


are of the opinion that digitalising citizens services saves time.


say their local authority’s level of digitalisation is lacking.

The power of the Online Access Act.

In order to accelerate the digitalisation of public administration, the Online Access Act (OZG) was adapted in 2017 with the aim of getting 600 administrative services online by the end of 2022. Unfortunately, a combination of factors meant that deadline wasn’t met.

In order to digitalise services and, in many cases, be able to offer them at all, this project must continue over the coming years as the sector is already battling with a lack of staff. Compounding the issue is that 25 per cent of its workforce will retire over the next five years, and IT experts prefer working in the private than public sector.

The Federal Government has passed a draft bill to amend the Online Access Act (OZG 2.0). This is intended to create the framework for the further digitization of the administration. It is also intended to be the central prerequisite for user-friendly and fully digitized procedures.

Data security.

All digital processes process personal data with authorities saving names and addresses, but also offences. This information has been subject to the provisions of the GDPR since 2018, which regulates the use and storage of data across the EU. When it comes to the digitalisation of public administration, data protection plays an extremely important role and must be a part of any strategy from the very beginning. The objective has to be to create a digital process that complies with data protection regulations and utilises software products that also do.

End-to-end digitalisation.

In order to offer online services, processes need to undergo a change. They first need to be analysed before creating meaningful digital workflows that help employees do their jobs. Screen-to-paper steps within these process should be avoided at all costs. Making a document available online, which then has to be printed out and filled in before being scanned and uploaded is a cause of frustration for citizens and workers alike and eats up far too many resources. This is certainly an area where legislation is needed as there are still some processes that require the written form.


Once Only Principle and BundID.

To complement to OZG, the Register Modernisation Act (RegMoG) was passed in 2021, laying the foundations for the Once Only Principle. The idea is that in the future, citizens will only have to provide their data once. For this to work, every single authority needs to be able to collaborate seamlessly with each other. Furthermore, a BundID (a German federal portal) user account should allow all citizens to identify themselves wherever they are in Germany. Both are important steps towards digital public services.

A secure and digital future with Bechtle.

Want to ensure the efficient and data protection-compliant digitalisation at your public services? We’re at your side every step of the way. We advise on all things data protection, roll out digital services and take on the management of all tools and workflows. Together, we’ll optimise your processes and develop a strategy that’s tailored to your needs.

A secure and digital future with Bechtle.

Want to ensure the efficient and data protection-compliant digitalisation at your public services? We’re at your side every step of the way. We advise on all things data protection, roll out digital services and take on the management of all tools and workflows. Together, we’ll optimise your processes and develop a strategy that’s tailored to your needs.

A secure and digital future with Bechtle.

Want to ensure the efficient and data protection-compliant digitalisation at your public services? We’re at your side every step of the way. We advise on all things data protection, roll out digital services and take on the management of all tools and workflows. Together, we’ll optimise your processes and develop a strategy that’s tailored to your needs.

Questions? Then get in touch!

Mathias Lucht | Sales Development Public Sector

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