Marcel, before you came to Bechtle, you had a long and successful career in skiing, where you even worked as a coach for a ski racing team. Can you tell us a bit about that?

Marcel Koch: Of course I can. I coached a racing team in the Karlsruhe region for almost 12 years. With time I developed and gravitated towards organising competitions, events and equipment, with a special focus on timing systems and evaluating times. Presenting results at competitions, which included live streaming, was a huge part of my role.

This was your first point of contact with IT. What brought you to Bechtle?

Skiing is a tough gig these days. fewer and fewer people are interested in it and the chances of long-term, full-time employment are slim, especially in Karlsruhe, where I wanted to stay. I always had an affinity for technology, so I pricked up my ears when I heard about the opportunities that lie in the IT sector, and that there is a need for specialists. Doing some research, I discovered the Career Jumpers programme at Bechtle and went straight for it.

What do you like about the Career Jumpers programme?

Probably its comprehensive approach. It touches on the basics of IT, such as informatics, programming and databases. The first part of the programme is rather theoretical, but it provides a solid foundation for later certifications. This is accompanied by regular hands-on training at the Bechtle locations then there are several workshops on topics such as customer management and presenting, providing a great mix of theory and practical skills.

Even after completing my FIT programme, I was continually supported by Bechtle.

Marcel Koch

What made you choose Bechtle?

It’s the people. No question about it. From the get-go I’ve had a colleague by my side answering all of my questions and sharing their knowledge with me making things a lot easier. Generally speaking, all colleagues I’ve met have been super helpful, especially my FIT group. We work closely together and support each other. I’m also really happy with the opportunities for further development. Bechtle places a premium on helping everyone reach full their full potential and even after completing my FIT programme, I was continually supported by Bechtle with trainings and certifications.

What would you like to tell future participants of the FIT programme?

Networking is key. It’s an intensive programme with a lot of content in a short period of time. This makes it crucial to approach other people with an open mind, to ask questions and get hints from experienced colleagues. Furthermore, this programme demands a lot of dedication, endurance and curiosity. It’s important to be open to new things and to want to continually develop.

Thank you so much for the interview, Marcel.
More about on the Bechtle Career Jumpers programme.

Future in IT