Confidential corporate data must be properly protected.


The security, confidentiality and integrity of corporate data has assumed much greater importance over the last few years. Awareness is at a peak as successful cyberattacks on customer databases make the headlines, causing scandals and damaging reputations, not to mention the potential legal fallout. With the stakes high, businesses need knowledge, tools and policies to keep their data safe, but they also need to know how to handle it correctly. What are the steps you need to take to put data protection on track in your organisation? We’ll help you effectively protect your data and set up a holistic information security management system (ISMS). 

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Why data protection and information security should be entwined into corporate DNA:

Legislation such as the GDPR demand an integrated approach to data protection and information security.

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Non-compliance risks a loss of reputation and high fines.

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It’s often the little things that can have the biggest consequences.

Data protection and information security.

Data protection is aimed at defending the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons. Data protection measures must ensure that personal data are collected, processed and used only in accordance with applicable laws and provisions. The goal is to ensure these data are not used for unlawful purposes while the primary objective of information security is to safeguard businesses and their data from harm. This includes ensuring the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and data while minimising the risk of unauthorised access, loss, corruption and destruction.

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Information security and ISMS.

Information security is an all-encompassing topic that impacts all businesses and something that needs to be top of the agenda everywhere. It impacts the entire company including staff, processes and even the building’s architecture, and to ensure that individual measures are implemented independently of each other, many businesses are rolling out information security management systems. ISMS includes all kinds of rules, tools, measures and procedures to preserve the security of important corporate information.

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Keep sensitive data protected. For good.

Data protection is not merely about complying with applicable legislation, including the provisions laid down in the GDPR, or even about gaining users’ trust. It’s all about embedding a data protection management system with the right processes into corporate DNA as even orders may depend on it when companies demand their suppliers and service providers demonstrate compliance with data protection measures. Are they all properly documented? Are due-diligence checks carried out of your supply chain? Where is your cloud-based data stored? And have you really stopped up all the gaps in your procurement process?

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Getting data protection and IT security right is critical for organisations to stay competitive and successful. Introducing a new business process without efficient data protection and information security built in is no longer the order of the day.

Heiner Golombek, Head of Information Protection & Security

Choose Bechtle for GDPR conformity.

When organisations consider data security, they often focus exclusively on external threats, but it’s not just inbound attacks that result in data leaks or violations of contracts or legal requirements. Employers must make sure that their own workforce is able to safely and confidently handle personal information in compliance with the GDPR.

Our Bechtle consultants help you create an integrated concept that covers all your bases when it comes to processing and protecting personal and your company’s data.

Setting up an information security management system.

Both the current threat situation as well as changes to the law are reason enough to shift focus to systematic attack detection and comprehensive data protection. This doesn’t only apply to critical infrastructure operators, who have will have to comply with the German IT Security Act 2.0 when it comes into effect from May 2023. Suppliers and customers are now also having to get up to scratch, and also expect business partners to close up existing security gaps.

We’ll work with you to develop an ISMS concept that covers all rules, tools, measures and processes to secure business-critical information—from risk analysis to roll out.

There’s no way round a data protection officer.

As an employer, you have to make sure that the correct way to process personal information is engrained in your business culture. This has to be embraced by everyone who handles or just so much as sees customer or employee information, or who works with the tools that process such information. If someone’s in doubt, they must know who to contact about it in order to eliminate any potential risk.

The European General Data Protection Regulation stipulates that each company names a data protection officer. If data processing is your bread-and-butter, you need to comply with the provision, but the good news is, it doesn’t matter if this person is in-house or not.

We have data protection experts and are on-hand to help you implement data protection in your company in full compliance with the law.


Read our whitepaper and discover what data protection and information security mean for your business and the 10 steps you can take to boost security and data protection

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“When you protect data, you’re protecting people’s basic rights,” explained Ulrich Kelber, the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. He keeps an eye on GDPR compliance and prosecutes violations and his announcement of his intention to take tougher action against violations was no empty threat.

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Customer stories.

Take a look at our tried-and-tested best practice solutions we’ve rolled out at other companies and public authorities to protect their reputations against abuse of data.

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