
– Tailored and scalable IT environments in the cloud.

The fuel gauge has been flashing for the last few kilometres but John Smith hasn’t noticed. He has other problems that are much more important than that right now.

The head of IT at a successful SME, John is on his way back from the opening of a new location in Southern Germany. This second office is an important milestone in his company’s expansion strategy, but it has also swallowed a lot of resources. The volume of data that the internal infrastructure now has to tackle has rapidly increased. Since then, everything has been slower, performance is suffering, the central database is experiencing more frequent outages and backup management is no longer sufficient.

And there is no light at the end of the tunnel. John already knows that he’s going to have to make other services available in the future which are going to affect performance. John finally notices the flashing warning light and starts the search for fuel.








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„Current changes in the market and the company itself are making long-term planning tough. As the IT department, we have to be able to react quickly.“


– John Smith –

Modern and flexible cloud solutions for every need.

He could, of course, invest in new hardware, but his budget is as low as his fuel thanks to the investment in the new location. He knows that deciding on the right hardware would be difficult anyway. Due to the changes caused by the second site, John can no longer reliably predict how the company’s IT requirements will change in the medium-term.

The modern electric car next to him catches his eye as his phone starts to ring. Thomas is calling from the office and wants to know if a decision has been made on the servers. An SQL server 2008 has been running in the headquarters’ data centre for years, but it’s no longer supported by Microsoft. John would love to switch to SQL Server 2019, but until now, existing dependencies have stood in the way of a quick migration. John has been pushing management for a solution for weeks.


Modern and flexible cloud solutions for every need.

He could, of course, invest in new hardware, but his budget is as low as his fuel thanks to the investment in the new location. He knows that deciding on the right hardware would be difficult anyway. Due to the changes caused by the second site, John can no longer reliably predict how the company’s IT requirements will change in the medium-term.

The modern electric car next to him catches his eye as his phone starts to ring. Thomas is calling from the office and wants to know if a decision has been made on the servers. An SQL server 2008 has been running in the headquarters’ data centre for years, but it’s no longer supported by Microsoft. John would love to switch to SQL Server 2019, but until now, existing dependencies have stood in the way of a quick migration. John has been pushing management for a solution for weeks.


Solve storage issues with the right infrastructure.

John joins the queue to pay. The company also needs to rethink its backup management. At the moment, they are relying on tapes, but they have been nearing their limit for a while now. John knows that they are soon going to need a new storage solution and already has an idea.

He finds a quiet place to sit and calls Mr Weber at Bechtle to discuss his vision. Mr Weber jots down a few notes and promises to get back to him asap. After their short conversation, the head of IT is pretty sure which way he wants to go.



Solve storage issues with the right infrastructure.

John joins the queue to pay. The company also needs to rethink its backup management. At the moment, they are relying on tapes, but they have been nearing their limit for a while now. John knows that they are soon going to need a new storage solution and already has an idea.

He finds a quiet place to sit and calls Mr Weber at Bechtle to discuss his vision. Mr Weber jots down a few notes and promises to get back to him asap. After their short conversation, the head of IT is pretty sure which way he wants to go.



Bechtle can help.

Mr Weber is a man of his word and calls back the next day. He’s looked over John’s idea of switching to Azure and moving the SQL server and a Windows server to the cloud. Azure Software as a Service includes a range of software services including the necessary licences, and the resources needed to implement the services will be provided by Microsoft. Using the pay-per-use model, John’s company saves the initial costs and can scale up as much as the expansion strategy demands later on and John gets the performance he desperately needs from day one.



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What is the best IT infrastructure for your company?

Use our Cloud Navigator to find out



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„Leveraging resource-based systems, companies are able to scale much more quickly and only pay for what they actually use.” “


– Mr Weber, Bechtle –


Extended SQL Support with Azure – More time for the migration.

John and Mr Weber discuss the details. As SQL Server 2008 is being moved to Azure, support is extended by 3 years—time John can use to prepare for migrating the latest version of the SQL server. His two colleagues are happy with solution.


With Backup as a Service, all data are stored in the cloud.

There’s also a simple backup solution. Since migrating to Office 365, special data are already continually being saved with the Bechtle Cloud Backup solution. John would now like a homogeneous solution. He talks to Mr Weber about the possibility of consolidating all backup systems And, together, they decide to move backups and servers entirely into the cloud meaning that all data are in the Bechtle Cloud. John’s company doesn’t need to buy any hardware and the cumbersome tape handling is finally a thing of the past. There’s also the possibility to start disaster recovery from the cloud in the event of data being lost.





Microsoft Azure

- Ihre Plattform für innovative IT.



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Microsoft Azure

- Your platform for innovative IT.




Microsoft Azure

- Ihre Plattform für innovative IT.



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John hangs up the phone and is deafened by the silence in the office. He looks out of his door and is relieved to see his employees looking relaxed. Cloud migration is complete.







John hangs up the phone and is deafened by the silence in the office. He looks out of his door and is relieved to see his employees looking relaxed. Cloud migration is complete.

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Bechtle Clouds Services.


Bechtle Cloud Services are part of the “All-in” Cloud lifecycle. We guide you through all phases and at all levels, so that you get the very best from your custom Cloud infrastructure.


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Software Team Bechtle direct

Phone: +49 7132 981 1400