Act quickly before something happens.
Effective defense against cyberattacks.
Moving into the digital future together with Bechtle and Microsoft Security - but securely.
The digital transformation is changing business processes, ways of working and technical procedures. This transformation takes place bit by bit, looks different in every company and requires individual solutions. Regardless of whether you want to digitize previously analog processes or completely turn your business model digital, one question always comes up at the beginning of the journey: How do I effectively protect my digital infrastructure against cyber attacks?
With the right partner alongside you, you can tackle this issue with ease:
From instantly effective Microsoft Security immediate measures to complex security architectures, we offer you the complete range of modern IT security.
This is how you achieve your transformation goals.
In case of emergency, our 24/7 emergency hotline will help you. We are also certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Because your safety can’t wait: Your direct connection to the system house Regensburg/Munich.
Our security expert Henrik Knoblauch is looking forward to your call or your mail.
Aufgrund zunehmender, massiver Cyber-Angriffe auf Unternehmen und staatliche Institutionen besteht neben der Prävention auch ein steigender Bedarf zur Abwehr laufender oder erfolgter Angriffe. Besonders bei gezielten Angriffen starker Gegner (Advanced Persistent Threat, APT) stellen diese Tätigkeiten spezielle Anforderungen an die dabei eingesetzten Dienstleister.
Source: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI
BSI lists Bechtle as a certified security service provider.
The entire Bechtle AG is a qualified APT response service provider for the defense against attacks by strong adversaries (Advanced Persistent Threat, APT).
24x7 availability and experienced on-call teams take over incident response and IT forensics. Our more than 250 IT security experts in over 25 regional teams ensure the rapid recovery of attacked systems.lementation of recovery concepts for IT infrastructures.
Because there’ s no time to waste:
Bechtle cyber security in 24 hours
Increasingly rapid cyber-attacks require quicker and quicker countermeasures. Classic project approaches are far too sluggish for this. For this purpose, Bechtle has put together a cyber security package of intelligent, cloud-based security technologies that effectively protects you from cyberattacks within the shortest possible time.
Identity Protection.
Protecting the identities of particularly vulnerable employees. So that phishing only takes place at the lake.
Multi factor authentication.
Strong access protection to your company data. So that your silverware does not end up in the Darknet.
Protection against ransomware.
Whether email or teams. With intelligent technologies, you separate the wheat from the chaff and detect malware even before it reaches your company.
Make the most of your Microsoft licence.
If you are not yet familiar with „Privileged Identity Management“ and „Risk Based Access“, now is the right time! In a joint workshop, we will introduce you to technologies that you have probably already purchased with your licence plan. Let us show you how to use Entitlement Management to automatically monitor account checks and expiry times.
How you can give administrative rights to normal users for a certain period of time. And how they disappear all by themselves. Perform an automatic security assessment of the environment in which your employees are located using „Risk Based Access“. And use it to control which data they should have access to.
Would you like a little more? With Cloud App Security, you can see which data has already made its way onto the Internet. And where they want to go.
Just pick up the phone and give us a call.
Such crucial topics as sustainable IT security are best discussed directly in person. That’s why Henrik is your direct connection to a true expert for your secure digital transformation, whom you can contact at any time. No long-winded emails or contact requests, just a direct line to us
Henrik Knoblauch
IT Consultant
Teamlead Microsoft
Phone: +49 175 9363729