The location at a glance.

Bechtle Financial Services AG bridges the gap between IT and finance. As a financing company licensed by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), we empower the Bechtle Group to deliver truly end-to-end IT portfolio management to our customers. The efficient provision of IT commodities is then carried out in a single contract between the end customer and the Bechtle IT system house. That’s why we take financing into account from the very start, synthesising all the information gathered during consulting and project structuring. Bechtle Financial Services handles everything in-house—quickly, simply, and with excellent conditions.


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr Thomas Olemotz

Management Board::

Stefan Sagowski, Antje Leminsky

Company registration:

Berlin Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 139572 B
VAT ID in accordance with Art. 27 UStG (German VAT Act):


Supervisory authority.

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

Remuneration report.

With the Remuneration Report, Bechtle Financial Services AG fulfils its disclosure requirements on its remuneration system in accordance with Art. 16 InstitutsVergV (Ordinance on the Supervisory Requirements for Institutions’ Remuneration Systems). 

Download Remuneration Report



Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr Thomas Olemotz

Management Board::

Stefan Sagowski

Company registration:

Berlin Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 139572 B
VAT ID in accordance with Art. 27 UStG (German VAT Act):

Supervisory authority.

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

Remuneration report.

With the Remuneration Report, Bechtle Financial Services AG fulfils its disclosure requirements on its remuneration system in accordance with Art. 16 InstitutsVergV (Ordinance on the Supervisory Requirements for Institutions’ Remuneration Systems). 

Remuneration Report


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr Thomas Olemotz

Management Board::

Stefan Sagowski


Company registration:

Berlin Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 139572 B
VAT ID in accordance with Art. 27 UStG (German VAT Act):


Supervisory authority.

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn


Remuneration report.

With the Remuneration Report, Bechtle Financial Services AG fulfils its disclosure requirements on its remuneration system in accordance with Art. 16 InstitutsVergV (Ordinance on the Supervisory Requirements for Institutions’ Remuneration Systems). 

Remuneration Report

Vorstand der Bechtle Financial Services AG.



Stefan Sagowski

Stefan Sagowski

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Legal information.

Bechtle Financial Services AG is registered as a financial services institution and payment services provider and is subject to oversight by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn.

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Dispute management.

Your feedback helps us to continually optimise our products and services. To ensure we can process your concerns, we kindly ask that you include the following information in your e-mail to

  • Full name
  • Address and/or company name
  • A brief description of your concerns


Complaints related to your rights and obligations as a payment services user will be answered in writing within 15 days of receipt.


Should we be unable to offer a satisfactory solution, you may then contact the following:

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn

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Whistleblower system.

Reports can be made to

Alternatively, you may use the whistleblower system offered by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Graurheindorfer Straße 108, 53117 Bonn.

Latest news.

All-things-considered IT management.

Bechtle Financial Services AG bridges the gap between IT and finance, and factors in the future, too.