1. What was the aim of your project work?
Georg: Part of our studies is a three-month period of project work at a company of our choice. It didn’t take us long to choose Bechtle as it’s a large IT company in the area with plenty of potential for growth into the future.
Marc: The main point is to get away from day-to-day studying and classic university theory and gain practical experience in a company, which we can then apply to our studies. After three months, we now have a concept for analysing and developing a data-driven business model.
2. What is a data-driven business model and is it useful for Bechtle?
Marc: Data-driven business models use data as a key resource to create added value. For Bechtle, this data could be used in two ways. By manufacturers and by the customers. Manufacturers could use shop users’ comparative data to optimise and adapt their products and distribution. In terms of customers, we could create an individual dashboard on bechtle.com showing an overview of orders, purchased products and paid invoices. For cloud solutions, for example, we were also able to display capacity and use. A platform like this enables some sort of indirect data monetisation.
Georg: Since the data needed for this is not yet fully utilised at Bechtle, we recommend collecting and linking existing data streams in one place to be able to use them in a more targeted manner in subsequent processes. There is so much untapped potential in this data.
3. How did you go about it?
Marc: After talking with Peter Weisbach, Head of Digital Business, we put together a rough battle map to follow with specific topics and approaches we were able to define ourselves. After some initial online research and talks with employees, we were able to quickly gain some broad basic knowledge. The interviews with the experts in particular developed into a steadily growing network over time, as we were always recommended other contacts to speak to.
4. How was working at Bechtle and Digital Business Services?
Marc: We were very warmly welcomed by the team from day one. The atmosphere is very good and that is definitely something that helped us with our project. After three semesters of online lectures, it was great to be in an office again and speak to colleagues face-to-face. It was this direct contact that really helped us as we were able to get to know several perspectives and therefore approach the topic from multiple angles. The three months really flew by.
5. Wie geht es für euch nach Abschluss der Arbeit weiter?
Georg: I’ll be going to Finland in January for a semester, and once I’ve completed my bachelor’s in the summer, I’m planning on going to Belgium, Denmark or the Netherlands to do my master’s.
Marc: I’m going to continue as a working student at Bechtle in the Digital Business Services department while continuing my studies at TUM.
Thanks for the interview. We wish you all the best for the future.