The challenges of hybrid IT architectures.

Everything as a Service (XaaS) is widespread in companies these days, but at the same time, a large proportion of applications are still being run on on-premise infrastructures. In this hybrid world of IT, there are specific data protection and security requirements to be aware of, as existing security rules also have to apply to the cloud. Traditional security solutions no longer cut the mustard.

Cloud = dynamics.

Nowadays, almost all common cloud providers have native security structures, but each provider uses its own system. On top of this is the fact that hybrid clouds all need to interact. At the same time, the dynamics of the various platforms, which are constantly being updated and developed, make it difficult to configure a standardised security architecture. Security measures previously used for classic IT structures can no longer keep up with the agility and speed of the cloud, and so measures are used that are heavily dependent on the rules of each service and provider and are, therefore, quite different.

Managed Services.

Organically grown, confusing IT infrastructures that combine their own elements with those of various providers are particularly difficult to secure, because after all, you can’t secure what you don’t know you have. If you’re looking to secure a hybrid cloud platform, there are a lot of areas that require attention, which is where a professional can help. By leveraging Managed Services, a company can compensate for a lack of operative staff and therefore keep costs and labour to a minimum.

The big picture.

What should modern security architectures to protect data centres and hybrid clouds look like? I’ll be answering this question at Bechtle Competence Days 2021. Based on a strategically oriented view, I’ll show you how to secure the data centre and hybrid infrastructures and tackle the issue of cybercrime and defence with the help of a reference model.