Neckarsulm, 9. September 2011 – Bechtle AG moved its company headquarters to the current location in Neckarsulm back in 2004 with 450 employees. This September marks the first time in company history that the number of employees at the company headquarters at Bechtle Platz 1 surpasses 1,000. Founded 28 years ago in Heilbronn, the IT company now employs more than 5,200 people across Europe. “Since moving our headquarters to Bechtle Platz 1, we have more than doubled the number of employees at our office in Neckarsulm. The increasing personnel demand is due to the outstanding business development in the past two years, as well as to the additional business segments that we've established and to the significant additions in central management and service staff,” explains Dr. Thomas Olemotz, CEO of Bechtle AG.
Efficient centralised services.
The majority of the 1,000 employees at the company headquarters in Neckarsulm is responsible for central services, offering support to more than 60 system houses in the D-A-CH region, and to the e-commerce business segment in 13 European countries. Bechtle Logistik & Service, which is responsible for product management, purchasing and warehousing, is the largest department within the company headquarters, employing more than 400 employees. “The combination of efficient central services and close customer proximity gives us a significant competitive edge and makes Bechtle a valuable IT partner,” affirms Dr. Thomas Olemotz.
Room for more growth.
Bechtle first expanded its new company headquarters in 2008. And now plans are being forged to add an additional 8,250 square metres to its headquarters. Beginning in October, 6,500 square metres of additional office space will be added to the company headquarters, which will provide enough room for another 400 employees. Once the expansion is complete, the company headquarters will have a total of 26,000 square metres of office space at its disposal. “Taking our Vision 2020 into consideration, which targets an increase of personnel to 10,000, we will need more office space to accommodate all these new employees. This will also directly affect the number of new jobs that are planned for our head office,” explains Dr. Thomas Olemotz.
Investing in employee development.
Currently, there are 110 open positions at the head office in Neckarsulm and 426 in total for the entire Bechtle group. Since the demand for qualified and specialised personnel is always on the rise, Bechtle invests heavily in employee training and development. 143 young trainees have begun their careers this year at Bechtle. That's more trainees than in any other year in Bechtle's history! In total, the Bechtle group presently employs roughly 400 trainees in 14 different commercial and technical fields.