Desk-based Worker

Desk-based worker.

Spends the majority of time at the office. Works from home now and again. 

The desk-based worker has a fixed workplace at the office and can generally be found roaming there over a fixed period of time. Desktops and monitors are perfectly adjusted to suit this worker’s sitting position and they also have a desk phone and a cup with their name on in the kitchen. These workers are increasingly using notebooks to take notes in meetings and to enable them to work from home, which is why they also have docking stations on their desks. When not in the office, these workers use software such as Teams and Jabber to make calls.



ARTICONA Maus und Tastatur


Mice and keyboards are essential for carrying out your work efficiently. ARTICONA offers wired and wireless keyboards and mice in different designs. Whether it’s standard, extremely quiet, ergonomic or water-repellent, we have the right equipment for every employee. Take a look at our range of input devices.



ARTICONA Dockingstation


Nowadays, a notebook is the standard go-to device for every employee. They’re lightweight, handy and flexible, and offer the huge advantage that you can work from anywhere with them. On the other hand, they often lack connections and the comfort of a large screen. A docking station that connects the notebook easily with all kinds of accessories can help. With only one cable, accessories such as monitors, input devices and webcams are connected. This is rounded off by the fact that the cable charges the notebook, which makes a separate power connection redundant.





Working relationships thrive on authentic communication. Being able to meet each other in person and see each other in online meetings is essential for building and sustaining these relationships, allowing you to read reactions and emotions through body language and facial expressions. Customers are more inclined to make a purchase when attending online meetings where you can see the person you are talking to. With their Full HD resolution and compatibility with all standard software, ARTICONA webcams are the ideal solution for your online meetings.



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