When Kim sits down with process owners to break down their workflows, the leading question they seek to answer is “how can we streamline the process and remove manual steps?” Her goal is to relieve her colleagues from repetitive and rule-based processes that consume a lot of time through robotic process automation, RPA for short, and and free up resources that are better spent on more complex tasks. “I find this job absolutely worthwhile and motivating, as I get to see the fruits of my labour right away,” says Kim. Her colleagues are eager to engage with her about their new experience and show their appreciation.
Happy colleagues show their appreciation.
Kim kicked off her professional life with a vocational training in mechatronics, but she wanted more, so she returned to school to earn her university admission before pursuing a bachelor’s degree in medical informatics. She received a scholarship from Bechtle along with an invitation to get to know Supply Chain Management as a working student at Bechtle’s logistics hub. Enthusiastic about RPA technology, she wrote her bachelor thesis on the subject and continued to expand her expertise until she finally joined the company full-time in September 2022.
“Every day I take on new challenges.”
What was it like in the beginning? “I was working on my own projects right away and was able to get deep into the technology. I enjoyed that very much,” says Kim. She signed up for training courses to become a scrum master and product owner and engaged in a lively exchange with her colleagues, quickly jumping any professional hurdles while connecting with the people around her. It was then when Kim rediscovered her passion for informatics. Every day I take on new real-life challenges that are a far cry from the ones I faced during my studies,” she says.
Kim works remotely for about half the week, which gives her time to analyse, code and document her work with the necessary peace and quiet. But she also does not want to miss the face-to-face interaction with her colleagues on site in order to work out the details of a solution. The whole team is all about automation, represented by a 30-centimetre-tall golden porcelain robot in the office. “It reminds us of the RPAs, our virtual colleagues doing important work in the background, and it inspires us to never stop thinking about ways to optimise through automation,” says Kim.
And what if one day all processes are automated? This seems highly unlikely to Kim: “The company’s growth and dynamics means processes, too, will continue to evolve, so there will be a need for new RPAs. And there will certainly be other exciting projects coming our way with new technologies such as AI—I am curious about what’s to come and look forward to new challenges.”
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