You could say Sascha Vilz is your trusty tour guide on your digital transformation journey. “I help companies rethink their IT so that it optimally supports development,” he explains. As an IT Business Architect (IT BA) for Bechtle Consulting Services, he spends his days dealing with the latest technological trends and market developments and is well-versed in a whole raft of statutory and data protection regulations. “The majority of decision makers have no idea where to start when it comes to digitalisation,” says Sascha Vilz. That’s why they turn to Bechtle Consulting Services—a community of some 300 people from around the Bechtle Group.

A modern IT department has to be able to take the business departments to the next level.

Thorsten Krüger, Business Manager, Bechtle Consulting Services

According to Thorsten Krüger, the IT organisation has undergone some changes: “A modern IT department must be able to take the business departments to the next level in terms of technology.” Processes that can be leveraged to digitalise business and value creation models are increasingly in the spotlight. “In a nutshell, digitalisation can be compared to the switch from LPs to CDs,” explains Thorsten Krüger. “Digital transformation, however, goes one step further, and just like the move from CDs to music streaming services, you need to develop completely new business models. And this is where Bechtle comes in.”

Sascha Vilz is currently working for The Mobility House, supporting the Regensburg-based electric vehicle charging infrastructure provider set up a system of process management, advising them on, for example, managing cash payments and digitalising the company’s paper-based process by leveraging a software they were already using. Now, the whole process takes 15 instead of 40 minutes. “Working closely with Bechtle has allowed us to significantly enhance the customer journey for our core product, ChargePilot—a smart charging and energy management system,” says Mona Litz, Head of Process Excellence, The Mobility House. “We now save on resources and our customers benefit form outstanding process quality.”

The digital transformation? It’s all in your head.

For Thorsten Krüger, transformation is a question of corporate culture and attitude. “Changing mindsets is just as important as planning the technology.” Consultants also have their hands full with innovations. Business Consultants Jana Sonnberger and Sebastian Arnold analyse the market, evaluate the benefits of new technologies and support businesses when it comes to finding new investment and products. “Not all trends are pertinent for each business. One example of this is blockchain technology. It’s far more important that the innovations suit the business model,” explains Jana Sonnberger. Topics include security, the modern workplace, IoT, big data, multi-cloud, AI, digital innovations, user adoption and change management, managed services, and Industry 4.0. “We provide direction in all of these aspects, offer support in the modernisation of business models and smooth the path for our customers when it comes down to the technology, with as much an eye on the big picture as on the details,” explains Thorsten Krüger.