Yes. When you're logged in, you can save your current shopping basket as a quote. You can access your quotes under the heading 'Products & Purchasing' in your account. You can print your quote or submit an order at any time.
What type of content does our platform offer and who can shop at Bechtle.
Where you can find your order history, track, cancel or modify current orders, and set order limits for users.
Find information on delivery times, delivery notes, shipping addresses, shipping costs, and tracking.
Everything you need to know about comparing products, managing shopping lists, finding optional or required accessories for a product or different product models, placing your order, and more.
Information on payment options, online payments, vouchers, invoices and managing your invoice addresses.
All there is to know about managing your data and account settings, users, shopping lists, authorisation flows, addresses, cost centres and payment methods.
All the functions your shopping basket offers explained.
Need to return a product? Find out how here.
All the ways to get in touch with us for personal advice and things to know about our online advice service.